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In This Issue

This issue of Frontline Momentum focuses on storytelling and the ability of personal stories to highlight to the ongoing impacts of climate change on frontline communities, and how frontline communities are fighting back. Articles include a look into three types of storytelling mediums, insight on how to create engaging narratives, and information on recruitment for our upcoming narrative and storytelling sovereignty study.


Detailed Description

The art of storytelling is one that can be traced back centuries. Stories have the power to change perspectives and evoke our emotions. At FRI, we know how important it is for frontline communities to tell their stories in their way, on their terms. This kind of storytelling—stories owned and told by those on the frontlines—highlight the ongoing threats of climate change unequally faced by millions across the country.

This issue of Frontline Momentum delves into the world of frontline storytelling and narrative building. In this issue’s newsletter feature, you will learn about three mediums or platforms to tell stories: words, film and art. You’ll find tips on how your organization can build storytelling capacity from a variety of practitioners: Shilpi Chhotray, Co-Founder and President of Counterstream Media, Anjali Deshmukh, Co-Founder of Make Justice Normal, and Alexandra Norris, Director of Let No One Lose Heart.  Finally, the issue’s guest author, Shilpi Chhotray, Co-Founder and President at Counterstream Media, discusses the elements of a powerful story and how to leverage those elements across different audiences.

Thank you for being a part of FRI’s network!