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Meet the Grantees

Based in nine different U.S. states and territories, our first grantee cohort is working on issues from pesticide reform to food sovereignty.

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2022-2023 Grant Cycle

In July 2022, we released our first RFP for our Track 1 and Track 2 grants, focusing on Organizational Strategy Development and Organizational Capacity Building respectively. Though the application period is closed, click here for more information on our first grant cycle and our funding priorities.

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External Grant Opportunities

In addition to FRI’s funding cycles, we consolidate and uplift grant opportunities offered by other funders supporting environmental and climate justice efforts.

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Stay Connected

FRI is committed to building a collective network of frontline groups through shared learning and movement-wide capacity-building. We invite you to join our community-guided network for access to resources such as external grant opportunities, job postings, and more.